












Prices of Ducted Air Conditioning

  • Tuesday, 10th January, 2017

Depending upon your ducted heating and cooling needs, every home or office has different pricing requirements.  To accurately determine final costs for a tailor built ducted air conditioning system, detailed house plans or an onsite visit is needed. However, there are approximate pricing guidelines you can consider as a rough price.

Units vary in cost depending upon the size of area to be air conditioned. 

Small home: $7,500-$9,900

Medium home: $9,900-$11,900

Large home: $11,900 upwards depending on the size of your home.

Although initial outlay costs may seem high, the efficiency, benefits, and rewards outweigh the cost over time. You can have air conditioning to keep you warm in winter, and be ready for Queensland summer, without breaking the bank.

The costs associated with ducted air conditioning

A system’s energy output can greatly affect how much it costs. It is important to choose the right unit for your space to get the most cost efficient solution. How much ducted air conditioning will cost for your home or office will depend on a number of factors, including:

The area of your home or office in square metres,

How many ducts or outlets and zones you require,

The height of the building and whether there is more than one floor to cool, and

How much noise the system generates and whether you need an inverter.

By answering these questions, you can determine what kind of price range you are looking at with your installer.


How much does ducted air conditioning cost to run?

It is important to understand that these several factors below that will affect power consumption and vary the cost.

Insulation: This will reduce the overall running cost by keeping out the heat.

Total area: The larger the area or the more zones on, the longer the unit will run.

Weather: The hotter or cooler the day, the longer the compressor will run.

Time: How often and how long you run the unit.

Preferred temperature: the temperature you prefer will influence costs as the unit will have to work harder or easier to cater to your needs.

Taking the above factors into consideration, the average approximate cost would vary between:

36c-$1.36 per hour depending on unit size (based on 70% cycling of compressor).


If ducted air conditioning seems like too much of an expense than think of it more as an investment. We offer finance options through Once Credit Finance. So you won’t have to worry about the initial costs.

For more information on pricing or for a detailed proposal outlining how much ducted air conditioning would cost in your home please call 07 3395 7633 or visit our pricing page and fill out an enquiry form.